Volume 1|前世今生:微生物电化学技术处理制药废水
来源:SUS_Horizons | 作者:SUS_Horizons | 时间:2022-02-16 | 363 次浏览 | 分享到:
The Ins and Outs of Pharmaceutical Wastewater Treatment by Microbial Electrochemical Technologies

近日,中国科学院广州地球化学研究所的金彪研究员团队和丹麦技术大学的张翼峰教授团队在 Sustainable Horizons 联合发表文章“The Ins and Outs of Pharmaceutical Wastewater Treatment by Microbial Electrochemical Technologies”。 




- 研究方法 -

目前, 基于微生物电化学技术去除污水中残留药物的研究主要采用了微生物燃料电池(MFCs)和生物电芬顿(BEF)技术。 

1. 微生物燃料电池(MFCs) 



2. 生物电芬顿系统(BEF) 


BEF系统大致分为MFC-BEF系统、MEC-BEF系统、MFC作为外接电源的MEC-BEF系统、MREC (微生物反向电渗析电池)-BEF系统和MFC作为外接电源的EF系统。值得一提的是,处理系统的水溶液条件,例如pH、温度和污染物的初始浓度等,以及不同电极材料都会影响MET对水中药物的去除效率和转化途径,因此需要进行系统优化。

- 结论和展望 -




First Author: Wenli Xu (MSc.) obtained her master degree at Guangzhou Institute of Geochemistry, Chinese Academy of Sciences. She is now working as an analytical chemist in CAS-Testing. Her research interest is to develop analytical tools to understand chemicals fate in microbial electrochemical systems. Her study contributes to the optimization and development of compound-specific remediation solutions for chemical removal in contaminated water.

Corresponding Author: 

Dr. Biao Jin is currently working as a senior researcher at Guangzhou Institute of Geochemistry, Chinese Academy of Sciences. His research involves both fundamental and applied aspects associated with organic chemical pollutants in water. Emerging tools such as compound specific isotope analysis (CSIA) are developed to characterize different contaminant sources and also to study the behavior of different chemical pollutants in both engineered and natural aquatic systems including wastewaters, surface water, and groundwater. The ultimate goal is to protect water resources from chemical emissions.

Dr. Yifeng Zhang is currently working as an associate professor at the Department of Environmental Engineering, Technical University of Denmark (DTU). His major research interests are microbial electrochemistry and biotechnology to support the 2nd, 6th, 7th, 12th, and 13th UN SDGs through sustainable water treatment, resource recovery, CO2 capture and utilization, biosynthesis, and environmental bioremediation & monitoring. His primary research interests are to improve the fundamental understanding of microbial electrochemistry and develop cutting-edge, efficient, and economic-affordable technical solutions in the Water-Food-Energy-Climate nexus for sustainable development and green transition. This way, the wastewaters and greenhouse gases (e.g., CO2), which otherwise are treated as pollutants undergoing energy and carbon-intensive treatment processes, are recovered and upcycled in the form of valuable bioproducts such as chemicals, biofuels, proteins, and energy. The detail of his research can be found here https://orbit.dtu.dk/en/persons/yifeng-zhang.


Xu W. , Zou R., Jin B. , Zhang G. , Su Y. , Zhang Y. , The Ins and Outs of Pharmaceutical Wastewater Treatment by Microbial Electrochemical Technologies. Sustainable Horizons. 2022. 1, 100003.



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