往期目录|SH 2022 Volume 1
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SH 2022 Volume 1,欢迎引用。


译名 | 系统地展望地球的可持续未来

引用格式 | Zheng C. , Hoffmann M. , Mauzerall D. , Gan J. , Song L. , Expanding Our Horizons on the Earth's Sustainable Future. Sustainable Horizons. 2022. 1, 100001.

DOI | https://doi.org/10.1016/j.horiz.2021.100001


译名 | 中国的可持续发展之路

引用格式 | Huang R. , The Road to China's Sustainable Development. Sustainable Horizons. 2022. 1, 100004.

DOI | https://doi.org/10.1016/j.horiz.2021.100004


译名 | 耦合电解: 一种可持续节能产氢新途径

引用格式 | Chen Z. , Wei W. , Song L. , Ni B. , Hybrid Water Electrolysis: A New Sustainable Avenue for Energy-Saving Hydrogen Production. Sustainable Horizons. 2022. 1, 100002.

DOI | https://doi.org/10.1016/j.horiz.2021.100002

译名 | 前世今生:微生物电化学技术处理制药废水

引用格式 | Xu W. , Zou R., Jin B. , Zhang G. , Su Y. , Zhang Y. , The Ins and Outs of Pharmaceutical Wastewater Treatment by Microbial Electrochemical Technologies. Sustainable Horizons. 2022. 1, 100003.

DOI | https://doi.org/10.1016/j.horiz.2021.100003


译名 | 21世纪地球绿化规划的水文反馈

引用格式 | Wu J. , Wang D. , Li L. , Zeng Z. , Hydrological Feedback from Projected Earth Greening in the 21st Century. Sustainable Horizons. 2022. 1, 100007.

DOI | https://doi.org/10.1016/j.horiz.2022.100007

译名 | 农村清洁能源用户比例是多少?

引用格式 | Shen G. , Xing R. , Zhou Y. , Jiao X. , Luo Z. , Xiong R. , Huang W. , Tian Y. , Chen Y. , Du W. , Shen H. , Cheng H. , Zhu D. , Tao S. , Revisiting the Proportion of Clean Household Energy Users in Rural China by Accounting for Energy Stacking. Sustainable Horizons. 2022. 1, 100010.

DOI | https://doi.org/10.1016/j.horiz.2022.100010

译名 | 镧基吸附剂在磷回收方面的研究前沿

引用格式 | Li J. , Li B. , Yu W. , Huang H. , Han J. , Huang Y. , Wu X. , Young B. , Wang G. , Lanthanum-Based Adsorbents for Phosphate Reutilization: Interference Factors, Adsorbent Regeneration, and Research Gaps. Sustainable Horizons. 2022. 1, 1000011.

DOI | https://doi.org/10.1016/j.horiz.2022.100011

译名 | 世界500强企业如何响应联合国可持续发展目标

引用格式 | Song L. , Zhan X. , Zhang H. , Xu M. , Liu J. , Zheng C. , How Much is Global Business Sectors Contributing to Sustainable Development Goals? Sustainable Horizons. 2022. 1, 100012.

DOI | https://doi.org/10.1016/j.horiz.2022.100012


译名 | 全球水安全:SDGs 夜空中最亮的星

引用格式 | Irannezhad M. , Ahmadi B. , Liu J. , Chen D. ,  Matthews J. , Global Water Security: A Shining Star in the Dark Sky of Achieving the Sustainable Development Goals. Sustainable Horizons. 2022. 1, 100005.

DOI | https://doi.org/10.1016/j.horiz.2021.100005

译名 | COP26深度脱碳需求的答案:绿色新政

引用格式 | Allam Z. , Sharifi A. , Giurco D. , Sharpe S. , Green New Deals Could Be the Answer to COP26’s Deep Decarbonisation Needs. Sustainable Horizons. 2022. 1, 100006.

DOI | https://doi.org/10.1016/j.horiz.2022.100006


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