Volume 4|在缺水地区利用遥感技术评估作物灌溉需求
来源:SUS_Horizons | 作者:SUS_Horizons | 时间:2023-01-10 | 130 次浏览 | 分享到:
Leveraging remotely-sensed vegetation indices to evaluate crop coefficients and actual irrigation requirements in the water-stressed Maipo River Basin of Central Chile

近期,美国弗吉尼亚大学 Venkataraman Lakshmi 教授团队在 Sustainable Horizons 发表研究文章,利用遥感技术评估了智利中部缺水的迈坡河流域的作物系数和实际灌溉需求。


- 研究背景 -



- 研究亮点 -

◇  The present work leveraged the linear relationship and variability between the reference Kc from the FAO and particular site response in NDVI.

◇  Without knowledge of the farming calendar, this study determined the days of planting of maize based on least-squares method.

◇  An ensemble model of site-specific Kc with NDVI as an input was formulated and validated for the Maipo River Basin and its complex terrain.

◇  This approach using available Earth observations from space enabled the evaluation of crop evapotranspiration and irrigation requirements without ground instruments.

- 研究方法 -

根据NASA的地形数据,本研究在智利迈坡河流域选取了十二处玉米田,用以确定该地区地形和气候条件的变化范围(图一)。作物系数采用了联合国粮农组织发表的相关数据,结合迈坡河流域的具体条件进行了分析和计算;遥感采用了Landsat 8 Operational Land Imager的数据,返回周期为16天,分辨率为30米;使用谷歌地球引擎获取四个季节的地表反射率数据。

研究将遥感评估得到的归一化差异植被指数(Normalized Difference Vegetation Index, NDVI)模型与联合国粮农组织(Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations,FAO)提供的作物模型进行比对,以评估NDVI模型的稳健性。

Fig. 1. Study sites in different elevation ranges of the Maipo River Basin's agricultural region.

- 结果与讨论 -


Fig. 2. Distribution of residual variance for the least squares fit generated.


Fig. 3. Step-by-step process of applying the ensemble Kc model along with PET for crop water requirement estimation in different elevation ranges. 


Fig. 4. Comparison of peaks, cumulative amounts, and difference in estimates of crop water requirements.

- 总结与展望 -





Benjamin D. Goffin previously earned a Bachelor of Science from Bluefield State University and Master of Science from the University of Virginia. He gained several years of practical experience with an engineering firm in the greater Boston area prior to joining Prof. Lakshmi's research team within Department of Engineering Systems and Environment at the University of Virginia. As a doctoral fellow, Benjamin focuses on implementing remote sensing tools to analyze changes in terrestrial variables and alleviate the impact of water extremes.


弗吉尼亚大学(University of Virginia),简称UVA,是由美国第三任总统托马斯·杰斐逊创建的美国历史上首个独立于教会的高校。.自U.S.News开始颁布全美大学排名以来,弗吉弗吉尼亚大学始终名列全美最佳公立大学的第一或第二名,与加利福尼亚大学伯克利分校齐名;同时稳居全美25所最佳综合性大学之列。是一所世界一流的公立研究型大学。

引用格式:Goffin, B.D., Thakur, R., Carlos, S.D.C., Srsic, D., Williams, C., Ross, K., Neira-Román, F., Cortés-Monroy, C.C., Lakshmi, V. 2022. Leveraging remotely-sensed vegetation indices to evaluate crop coefficients and actual irrigation requirements in the water-stressed Maipo River Basin of Central Chile. Sustainable Horizons 4, 100039.



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