往期目录|SH 2023 Volume 5
来源:SUS_Horizons | 作者:SUS_Horizons | 时间:2023-02-20 | 291 次浏览 | 分享到:
SH 2023 Volume 5,欢迎引用。


译名 | 可持续多孔复合自清洁膜去除水环境染料和抗生素污染物

引用格式 | Kong, L., Wang, Q., Wang, Y., Yan, Q., Qiu, W., Zheng, C. 2023. Sustainable Cu2(OH)2CO3/g-C3N4/cellulose acetate-derived porous composite membrane for Congo red and tetracycline removal with photocatalytic self-cleaning properties under natural solar irradiation. Sustainable Horizons 5, 100047.

DOI | http://doi.org/10.1016/j.horiz.2023.100047

译名 | 欧盟碳边界调整机制对钢铁资源回收与和可持续循环的影响

引用格式 | Rossetto, D. 2023. The carbon border adjustment mechanism: What does it mean for steel recycling. Sustainable Horizons 5, 100048.

DOI | https://doi.org/10.1016/j.horiz.2023.100048

译名 | 根据土地利用潜力设计最佳的可持续农林牧土地资源规划

引用格式 | Mucida, D. P., Gorgens, E. B., Rech, A. R., Christofaro, C., da Silva, R. S., Pereira, I. M., de Morais, M. S., da Costa, A. M., & França, L. C. d. J. 2023. Designing optimal agrosilvopastoral landscape by the potential for conservation use in Brazil. Sustainable Horizons 5, 100045. 

DOI | https://doi.org/10.1016/j.horiz.2023.100045


译名 | 展望高分辨质谱非靶标筛查在工业源新污染物识别和控制中的应用

引用格式 | Yang, Y., Li, C., Yang, L., Zheng, M., & Liu, G. 2023. Application of non-target screening by high-resolution mass spectrometry to identification and control of new contaminants: Implications for sustainable industrial development. Sustainable Horizons, 5, 100049.  

DOI | http://doi.org/10.1016/j.horiz.2023.100049

译名 | 地球环境健康与个体韧性

引用格式 | Sornette, D., & Wu, K. (2023). Coupled System Approach to Healthy Earth Environments and Individual Human Resilience. Sustainable Horizons, 5, 100050. 

DOI | http://doi.org/10.1016/j.horiz.2023.100050


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