Volume 6|广义单位线分布及其在全球风速边缘分布上的应用
来源:SUS_Horizons | 作者:SUS_Horizons | 时间:2023-06-09 | 116 次浏览 | 分享到:
A general unit hydrograph distribution and its application on the marginal distribution of global wind speed

近期,中山大学蔡华阳团队在 Sustainable Horizons 特刊 Sustainable Ocean Energise 发表研究文章,提出了一种基于广义单位线理论的GUH风速边缘分布模型。


- 文章亮点 -

◇ We propose a general unit hydrography (GUH) distribution for wind speed statistics.

◇ The GUH distribution is a generalized logistic distribution with a closed form.

◇ The GUH model removes the limitation of a zero initial condition in the Weibull model.

- 研究背景 -



- 结果与讨论 -

通过分析全球、北半球和南半球平均态的风速时间序列,计算累积频率风速并与它们的观测值进行比较(图1)。计算结果表明,均方根误差(RMSE)在3.99~6.37 numbers之间,表明模拟和观测的数据之间有较好的对应关系。全球平均风速发生频率最高值为5.22 m/s,而北半球和南半球分别为4.96 m/s和5.44 m/s。由图1d, f可见,南半球平均风速PDF上升段的增长率远高于其下降段的衰减率(对应的尺度参数α=14.01,相对较大),而在北半球则相反(对应的尺度参数α=8.65,相对较小)。此外,南半球平均风速的PDF形状几乎是对称的(形状参数β≈1),而其他两个区域平均风速呈现出负偏的概率密度曲线(即形状参数β<1),特别是北半球的平均风速(图1b, d, f)。

Fig. 1. Comparison between analytically computed and observed CDF and PDF concerning zonal mean of global surface wind speed (a, b), Northern Hemisphere surface wind speed (c, d), Southern Hemisphere surface wind speed (e, f).


Fig. 2. Gridded maps of the GUH distribution parameters, including the RMSE (a), the location parameter xp (m/s) (b), the scale parameter α (c), and the shape parameter β (d). Hatching denotes regions where the values are unreliable due to a lack of observed data (see also Zhou et al., 2022a).

针对全球表面风速静止逆转前后的差异问题,基于风速转折点前后的时间序列,采用GUH分布重构其边缘分布。通过对比分析GUH分布的CDF和PDF,可以量化转折点前后全球表面风速的差异性(图3)。在转折点前后观察到CDF或PDF具有相似形状,这是由于全球表面风速是一个近似线性的系统。因此,形状参数β的变化通常较小。由于全球表面风速的静止逆转,大多数风速的累积频率均有所增加(图3a,c,e)。但是,在所有三种不同空间尺度平均的情况下,全球表面风速静止逆转后出现频率最高的风速均明显降低,其中在全球、北半球和南半球平均尺度上分别降低0.23、0.20和0.34 m/s(图3)。

Fig. 3.Comparison between the analytically computed CDF and PDF before and after the reversal in surface wind speed stilling. Shown are the zonal mean of global surface wind speed (a, b), Northern hemisphere surface wind speed (c, d), Southern hemisphere surface wind speed (e, f).

为了展示本文所提出的GUH分布的优越性,分别采用GUH分布和威布尔分布模拟香港、伦敦、魁北克、悉尼站的实测日均表面10m风速。两者结果对比表明,GUH分布(RMSE为126-222 numbers)的模拟效果比威布尔分布(RMSE为292-445 numbers)好。因此,本文所提出的GUH分布相比传统的威布尔分布更适用于全球表面风速分布模拟,尤其是在零风速显著影响PDF形状的情况下(图4)。

Fig. 4. Comparison of the proposed GUH distribution model of Equation (22) with the Weibull distribution model of Equation (32) for the fitting of daily averaged 10 m wind speed observed at Hongkong (a), London (b), Quebec (c), Sydney (d) stations.

- 总结与展望 -

与需要零初始条件的威布尔分布不同,本文提出的GUH分布在整个实数域上均可用,使得模型能够考虑零风速对PDF形状的影响。推导结果表明,本文提出的GUH分布对应于Gupta和Kundu(2010)提出的PRHL(Proportional Reversed Hazard Logistic)分布,它保留了广义logistic分布的所有性质,并包含“I型”和“II型”广义logistic分布作为该分布的特例。



Cai Huayang received his Ph.D. degree in water resources management from Delft University of Technology in the Netherlands in 2014. During 2014–2015, he was a research fellow at the Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering, National University of Singapore. He is currently working at the School of Ocean Engineering and Technology in Sun Yat-sen University, China as associate professor. His-main research areas are estuarine and coastal engineering and related management issues. His-current projects involve (1) the development of analytical and numerical models of river-tide dynamics in estuaries, (2) sustainable water resources management in river deltas, and (3) data-driven model for quantifying the impacts of human interventions on estuarine systems.

Wang Yajun is current a Ph.D candidate at the School of Ocean Engineering and Technology in Sun Yat-sen University, China. He received his Master degree from East China Normal University in 2022. His-main research area include estuarine hydrodynamics, big data, artificial intelligence and its application in river deltas.

Tongtiegang Zhao received his Ph.D. degree in hydraulic engineering from Tsinghua University in China in 2013. During 2013–2014, he served as a research associate at the Department of Hydraulic Engineering at Tsinghua University. During 2014–2018, he worked in Australia, firstly as a postdoc at the Commonwealth Scientific and Industrial Research Organization (CSIRO) and then as a research fellow at the University of Melbourne. He is currently at the School of Civil Engineering at Sun Yat-sen University. His-research is concentrated on ensemble hydrological forecasting.

Haosu Zhang is currently an Associate Professor at the School of Ocean Engineering and Technology in Sun Yat-sen University, China. He obtained his Ph.D. degree in optical engineering from Tsinghua University in China in 2014. During 2014–2020, he worked as a senior engineer at one of the research institutes of CSIC (China Shipbuilding Industry Group Co.)


中山大学(Sun Yat-sen University),是中国教育部直属高校,部省共建的综合性大学,是国家“双一流”、“985工程”、“211工程”建设高校。入选国家“珠峰计划”、“111计划”、“2011计划”等,是环太平洋大学联盟、中国高校行星科学联盟、中国人工智能教育联席会、中国自由贸易试验区研究院联盟、粤港澳高校联盟、粤港澳大湾区物流与供应链创新联盟成员。

引用格式:Cai, H., Wang, Y., Zhao, T., Zhang, H. 2023. A general unit hydrograph distribution and its application on the marginal distribution of global wind speed. Sustainable Horizons, 6, 100056.



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