Jianguo Liu 教授
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刘建国 教授

Michigan State University USA

 刘建国,生态学家,可持续发展科学家,中国环境问题专家,美国密歇根州立大学讲席教授,杰出教授。1983年毕业于湖南农业大学,1986年中国科学院获硕士学位。1988年赴美留学,1992年乔治亚大学获博士学位。 2018年当选美国人文与科学院院士。现任美国密歇根州立大学鱼类和野生动物系蕾切尔·卡逊讲席教授(Rachel Carson Chair),大学杰出教授,系统综合与可持续性发展中心主任。
      刘建国教授长期从事生态学与社会科学和政策的综合性研究,包括可持续发展、保护生物学、人类与自然的相互关系、人类活动对环境和生物多样性 (如大熊猫和鸟类) 的影响、系统模型及模拟等。他对看似无关的问题很感兴趣,如:离婚与环境影响、家庭数量增加与生物多样性热点地区、人类与自然耦合系统的复杂性等等。

      A human-environment scientist and sustainability scholar, Jianguo "Jack" Liu holds the Rachel Carson Chair in Sustainability, is University Distinguished Professor and serves as director of the Center for Systems Integration and Sustainability. Liu takes a holistic approach to addressing complex human-environmental challenges through systems integration, which means he integrates multiple disciplines such as ecology and social sciences.
      He is particularly keen to connect seemingly unconnected issues, for example divorce and environmental sustainability. His work has been published in journals such as Nature and Science and has been widely covered by the international news media.