来源: | 作者:SUS_Horizons | 时间:2021-06-08 | 622 次浏览 | 分享到:

唐圆圆 副教授

南方科技大学 中国

      共发表SCI学术论文68篇,参编论著2部,包括以第一及通讯作者在环境领域高水平期刊Environ. Sci. Tech.、Water Res. 等发表SCI论文47篇 (封面文章4篇,1篇论文同时入选ESI高被引论文和热点论文)。申请专利14项,其中有2项实现技术转移。担任SCI期刊Environ. Geochem. Hlth.副主编及Waste Manage. Res.编委,担任深圳市水污染治理攻坚决战青年先锋队队长。发起并承办“第一届粤港两地环境材料学术交流会”,担任广东省化学学会第八届环境化学专业委员会委员及多个国际和国内学术大会分会场主席及专业委员会成员。获广东省杰青、深圳市2020年度市科技进步奖一等奖(排名第五)、“香港工程师学会青年工程师/研究员优秀论文奖”、市“海外高层次人才”、校“年度青年教授”、“优秀青年科研奖”、“优秀教学奖”、“优秀书院导师”等荣誉。

      Dr. Yuanyuan Tang is an Assistant Professor in Southern University of Science and Technology (SUSTech). She has got her PhD degree from The University of Hong Kong (HKU) in 2012, and worked in HKU as a Postdoctoral Fellow until August 2014. She received her Master’s degree (2007) from Peking University and Bachelor’s degree (2004) degrees from Ocean University of China. At SUSTech, Dr. Tang has successfully established the “Environmental Materials” research group, leading postgraduate students and postdocs from different training background in interdisciplinary environmental research, with research interests focusing on the transformation and stabilization mechanisms of heavy metals, interfacial interactions of microplastics and other pollutants, "waste-to-resource" options for biowastes, and the development of ceramic membrane from municipal solid waste.
      She has also obtained funding for over 14 research projects, including NSFC, Peacock Plan Team, etc. Dr. Tang has published over 40 SCI journal articles, including on high-impact environmental journals, such as Environmental Science and Technology, Journal of Materials Chemistry A, Water Research etc. She has published 3 book chapters in the field of solid waste management and metal stabilization. She has also presented more than 40 conference papers and applied over 10 patents. Dr. Tang organized “Guangdong-HK Environmental Materials Workshop in 2015”, and has been invited as keynote speaker and session chair by several international conference committees. She also got numerous awards including “Overseas High-Caliber Personnel, Shenzhen” and “The HKIE Outstanding Paper Award for Young Engineers/Researchers” as well as “Excellent Research Award” and “Excellent Teaching Award”, and “Excellent Mentor Award” of SUSTech.