来源: | 作者:SUS_Horizons | 时间:2021-06-22 | 645 次浏览 | 分享到:

仇浩 副教授

上海交通大学 中国


      We all depend on soil for a wide diversity of ecosystem services, for the production of food and water (provisioning), for the control of climate and disease (regulating), for global elemental cycles (supporting), and for spiritual and recreational benefits (cultural). But unfortunately soil is a fragile resource. Anthropogenic activities are increasingly causing soil degradation and decline in biodiversity which in turn threatens to diminish the capacity of the earth to sustain us. Often soil can become contaminated with trace elements due to either accidental or deliberate release. My research interests center around the behavior, fate, bioavailability, and effects of trace elements in the soil environment, with a view to improve ecological risk assessment and remediation of contaminated soils. To develop a qualitative and quantitative understanding of the environmental processes and impact of trace elements, we perform laboratory experiments, conduct field studies, and apply modeling to test ideas and hypotheses.