Alejandro Schmid
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Alejandro Gallego Schmid Associate Professor

University of Manchester EN

    Dr Alejandro Gallego Schmid works as a Senior Lecturer (Associate Professor) in Circular Economy and Life Cycle Sustainability Assessment at the Department of Mechanical Aerospace and Civil Engineering at the University of Manchester. He is part of Tyndall Manchester - an interdisciplinary team working on relevant research on climate change sustainability, where he works identifying sustainable solutions for industrial, agricultural, construction, water and energy systems on a life cycle and circular economy basis, taking into account economic, environmental and social aspects.

    Dr Gallego Schmid has published more than 50 scientific articles (h=18; >1350 citations) in international journals, have given more than 30 oral presentations in national and international conferences and Universities, has been awarded three research fellowships and participated as Principal Investigator and Co-Investigator in 15 national and international scientific projects