Weiqi Fu
来源: | 作者:SUS_Horizons | 时间:2022-10-13 | 255 次浏览 | 分享到:

Weiqi Fu 教授

Zhejiang University 中国

Prof. Dr. Weiqi Fu is currently a full professor at Zhejiang University while also holding an adjunct professor position at the University of Iceland. He received a Ph.D. in Biochemical Engineering and a Bachelor in Bioengineering from Zhejiang University. He is a Member of the Icelandic Academy of Sciences (a prestigious scientific society established in 1918 in Iceland), a member of the European Federation of Biotechnology, Associate Editor for the journal Frontiers in Marine Science, and Guest Editor for several biotechnology journals such as Frontiers in Bioengineering and Biotechnology. He has been invited by European Union Institutions to serve as a European Commission expert to evaluate Horizon 2020 research proposals since 2019. His research interest lies in understanding algal photosynthesis and metabolism and developing photosynthetic cell factories that make bio-fixation of CO2 into fine chemicals feasible. He has explored fundamental questions on microbial evolution and metabolism through adaptive laboratory evolution and metabolic engineering and also applied expertise in applied microbiology to perform photobioreactor design, genetic engineering, and process optimization using both model and non-model microalgae (Phaeodactylum tricornutum, Chlamydomonas reinhardtii, Chlorella vulgaris, Dunaliella salina, etc.) towards industrial applications.