Volume 1|世界500强企业如何响应联合国可持续发展目标
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How Much is Global Business Sectors Contributing to Sustainable Development Goals? Sustainable Horizons.

近期,南方科技大学郑春苗团队在 Sustainable Horizons 发表研究文章,关注世界500强对可持续发展目标的响应程度。


- 研究背景与方法 -


联合国已明确作出呼吁:商业部门应当积极地参与到17个可持续发展目标 (SDGs)的建设中。但当前,商业部门对联合国可持续发展目标的响应程度仍缺乏系统性的评估。 


通过收集和分析2019-2020年间《财富》全球 500 强企业的网站、可持续发展报告、企业社会责任报告、年度报告等公开信息,本研究系统地评估了世界500强企业对各个联合国可持续发展目标的响应程度、影响因子和潜在的响应动机。

- 研究结果 -




虽然500强企业参与SDGs的数量比例喜人,但大部分参与深度较浅。从线上披露信息来看,在500强企业中,32.6%的企业只是把既有业务与SDGs简单匹配,并未实施新举措;22.8%制定了针对性举措;39.0%未披露相关信息;5.2%仅仅只是提及而已。 500强企业对于每个单独的SDG也表现出了差异化的兴趣。其中,参与SDG8和SDG13的500强企业比例超过50%,而SDG2、SDG14和SDG6则仅有30%左右。差异化的参与程度表明企业仅对能够提高企业形象或创造商业利益的目标较为感兴趣,而倾向忽视与商业回报关联度较低的目标。



SDG8(体面工作和经济增长)和SDG13(气候行动)是最受企业欢迎的SDGs。与此同时,SDG2(零饥饿)和SDG14(水下生物)受到的关注度最少。 对于各项SDGs而言,信息技术企业的参与数量均较多,其次为制造业和能源业,而健康保健行业各项SDGs的参与数量均显不足。除数量外,由于不同行业的特点和其在经济社会发展中扮演的角色不同,其针对不同SDG的参与深度也存在显著差异。而各国SDGs的参与程度与其产业分布则并未显示出明显的关联。

- 总结与展望 -



Dr. Lan Song received a M.S. in environmental science from Denmark Technical University and a Ph.D. in environmental science from Leiden University, The Netherlands. She was a Marie-Curie fellow, sponsored by the project “Environmental Chem Oinformatics” and “Quality Nano” of the EU’s Seventh Framework. Currently, she is a research associate professor at the Southern University of Science and Technology, and executive director at Shenzhen Institute of Sustainable Development. Her research examines linkages between the fate of emerging pollutants in the environment and their environmental and human impacts. Her current research interests focus on understanding the factors affecting the sustainable development of cities.

Prof. Chunmiao Zheng received a BS in hydrogeology from Chengdu University of Technology and a Ph.D. in geoscience with a minor in environmental engineering from the University of Wisconsin-Madison. Currently, he is Chair Professor at Southern University of Science and Technology (SUSTech) in Shenzhen, China. He joined SUSTech as Founding Dean of the School of the Environment in 2015. Previously, he was Chair Professor and Director of the Institute of Water Sciences at Peking University, and the George Lindahl III Endowed Professor at the University of Alabama. Prof. Zheng’s research interests include subsurface contaminant transport and remediation, ecohydrological processes, and ground-water sustainability. He is the developer of the MT3D/MT3DMS series of contaminant transport models used in over 100 countries. He is the author of over 300 peer-reviewed journal papers and six books, including Applied Contaminant Transport Modeling, published by Wiley. He has served as an associate editor for five leading hydrology and water resource journals. He has also served on the Committee on Hydrologic Science of the U.S. National Research Council and as president of the International Commission on Groundwater of the International Association of Hydrological Sciences. Prof. Zheng has received numerous awards and honors, including Birdsall-Dreiss Distinguished Lectureship, O.E. Meinzer Award from the Geological Society of America, John Hem Award, and M. King Hubbert Award from the National Ground Water Association. He is a fellow of the American Geophysical Union and Geological Society of America.


Song L. , Zhan X. , Zhang H. , Xu M. , Liu J. , Zheng C. , How Much is Global Business Sectors Contributing to Sustainable Development Goals? Sustainable Horizons. 2022. 1, 100012.



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