Volume 2|基于多属性决策方法 (MCDM) 的中国能源品种综合评价
来源:SUS_Horizons | 作者:SUS_Horizons | 时间:2022-07-12 | 256 次浏览 | 分享到:
Energy sources evaluation based on multi-criteria decision support approach in China

近期,上海交通大学地下空间开发与城市可持续发展团队在 Sustainable Horizons发表研究文章,提出了一种基于统计数据的多属性决策方法,并对我国主要能源品种做出综合评价,  以期为合理的能源规划提供宏观层面上的建议。




·A framework for Energy sources evaluation (ESE) is built.

·A brief bibliometric analysis for ESE in recent years is conducted.

·A comprehensive ESE evaluation approach is developed.

·An ESE in China from 2010-2018 is adopted as an example.

   - 研究背景 -

当前,我国正处于以化石能源为主体向新能源为主体的过渡阶段。因此,依托统计数据,分析现有主要能源品种的生产、消费、进口和出口情况,对能源品种做出综合评价,为我国能源品种合理规划,对实现中国 “2030年碳达峰、2060年碳中和”目标具有重要意义。

- 结果和讨论 -

从文献计量分析的结果显示,基于多属性决策方法(Multi-Criteria Decision Making,MCDM)的能源品种综合评价在近几年呈现上升趋势——在2020年,相关文献出版数量达400篇。从关键词聚类图谱分析得,基于 MCDM 方法的能源品种评价主要集中在以下5方面:

(1) MCDM 方法在能源品种分析与管理方面的应用研究;

(2) 能源系统的可持续性与环境友好性方面的评估;

(3) 基于多目标优化的能源利用效率评估;

(4) 可再生能源技术与利用评估;

(5) 太阳能等能源生产与应用的评估。

此外,本文提出的多属性决策方法应用于4种主要能源品种的综合评价 (2010-2018年),综合评价结果依次为: 煤炭及其制品类、原油及其制品类、电力类、天然气类。电力类与天然气类的综合评价结果在评价时期内出现一定的波动。

- 总结和展望 -




Sons-Shun Lin received the B.Sc. degree in civil engineering from the Chongqing University in 2017, and now is a Ph.D. candidate in civil engineering in Shanghai Jiao Tong University . He current research interests include multi-criteria decision making techniques, risk analysis, expert system for infrastructure and civil engineering. His works have been published in Automation in Construction, Reliability Engineering & System Safety, etc.


Shui-Long Shen received the B.Sc. degree in underground space technology and the M.Phil. degree in structural engineering from Tongji University in 1986 and 1989, respectively, and Ph.D. degree in social system engineering from Saga University, Japan, in 1998. In 2003, he joined the Department of Civil Engineering, Shanghai Jiao Tong University and become the department head in 2010 till the end of 2018. In 2019, he joined the College of Engineering, Shantou University, as the Dean. He has been keeping collaboration with other international organization, e.g., Saga University, The University of Hong Kong, Ecole Centrale de Nantes, France. He is now the Adjunct Professor of RMIT University and Swinburne University of Technology, Australia. He has published more than 370 refereed journal articles.


Annan Zhou received the Ph.D. degree in geotechnical engineering from the University of Newcastle, in 2011, with the Australian Endeavor Scholarship. After his graduation, he joined RMIT as a Tenured Lecturer in geotechnical engineering and was promoted to a Senior Lecturer, in 2014 and an Associate Professor, in 2018. He has published more than 250 refereed journal articles with over 4300 citations. The quality of his publications has been recognized by being awarded several international awards, such as the ISSMGE ECR International Best Paper Award, in 2015 and the CGJ Editor's Choice, in 2016. As a Chief Investigator, he has secured several competitive research grants over 1.5 million, including ARC DE, DP, and LP. From 2014 to 2016, he was elected to be a RMIT University Research Committee Board Member to represent the ECR academics over the university.


Lin, S.-S., Shen, S.-L., Zhou, A., 2022. Energy Sources Evaluation Based on Multi-Criteria Decision Support Approach in China. Sustainable Horizons 2, 100017.



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