Volume 2|从美国40年地下水修复经验中探寻地下水可持续发展未来
来源:SUS_Horizons | 作者:SUS_Horizons | 时间:2022-04-25 | 230 次浏览 | 分享到:
Quest for groundwater quality sustainability – lessons from 40 years of remediation in the United States

近期,美国 S.S. Papadopulos & Associates 公司的 Charles B Andrews 博士在 Sustainable Horizons 发表评述文章,对近40年来美国地下水修复的经验进行了总结,并展望了地下水可持续发展的未来。



   - 研究背景 -


- 阶段性成就 -


1. 由于超级基金法的限制,企业更倾向于降低有害材料的使用量,或对其进行改善性处理。这促进了危险废弃物的无害化处理及循环利用,并很大程度地降低了污染物向地下水的排放量。图一列举了企业由于污染地下水而承担巨额赔偿的典型法案。

2. 当前美国已基本查明国内主要的地下水污染区域,并将其绘制成图。现有污染羽的扩散已得到控制,许多受污染场地的地下水污染羽正在缩小。

3. 地下水修复领域出现了一些创新性的方法,如如自然降解、利用微生物化学方法修复等。在实际应用中,这些方法通常与常规“抽出-处理”技术结合使用。

4.  为从源头降低污染物的排放,美国针对潜在污染源开展了重点监测工作。现有的大量研究已明确了在地下水中可能持久且广泛存在的污染物及其特性,因而纵使发生了污染,也可迅速对其进行针对性的处理。

5. 美国地下水修复的目标正在发生变化。在许多地下水被污染的地区,经过处理的地下水虽然存在部分污染残留,但已经是能够被人体接受的饮用水——这说明那些尚未完全恢复的地下水亦可以被视作一种资源。

- 总结和展望 -




Dr. Andrews is a senior principal at S.S. Papadopulos & Associates, Inc. in Rockville, Maryland USA and a visiting professor in the School of Environmental Science and Engineering at SUSTech in Shenzhen, Guangdong, China. He has been actively involved in groundwater investigation and restoration activities for more than 40 years. He is currently an Executive Editor of Groundwater. He received his Ph.D. from the University of Wisconsin.

Dr. Andrews is nationally known for his creative solutions to difficult groundwater problems. His areas of expertise include the assessment and remediation of contaminated sites, formulation of groundwater projects, assessment of groundwater flow and quality conditions at hazardous waste sites, design of groundwater remediation systems, and development of new and modification of off-the-shelf numerical simulation models for adaptation to specific field projects. He has provided technical guidance to significant water-rights litigation.


S.S. Papadopulos and Associates, Inc. (SSP&A) was established in 1979 to provide professional groundwater and hydrogeology consulting services. With that cornerstone of expertise, we have continued to grow and have developed a recognized practice in contaminant studies, environmental engineering, remediation, geochemistry, and surface-water hydrology.


Andrews C.B., Hennet R. J-C, Quest for Groundwater Quality Sustainability – Lessons from 40 Years of Remediation in the United States. Sustainable Horizons. 2022. 2, 100009.



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