Volume 5|根据土地利用潜力设计最佳的可持续农林牧土地资源规划
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Designing optimal agrosilvopastoral landscape by the potential for conservation use in Brazil

近期,巴西 Universidade Federal dos Vales do Jequitinhonha e Mucuri Danielle (UFVJM) 的Danielle Mucida 团队和 Universidade Federal de Uberlândia (UFU) 的 Luciano França 团队在 Sustainable Horizons 联合发表研究文章,介绍了根据巴西土地利用潜力设计优化的可持续农林牧土地资源规划方案。


- 研究背景 -

科学协调农业生产和自然资源保护的平衡对于可持续发展意义重大。联合国粮农组织(Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations, FAO)指出,基于土地分类,决策者可以科学规划土地利用,从而兼顾生产和自然资源保护。

环境分区(Environmental Zoning, EZ)是土地利用规划中的常用工具,但该工具主要依赖于区域地质调查的精度及主观评估,导致其不适用大范围区域(州和国家级)的土地利用规划。近年来,在大范围且更客观的土地分级方法中,保护使用潜力法(Potential for Conservation Use, PCU)脱颖而出。

- 文章亮点 -

◇ A methodology to support landscape planning at the state level.

◇ The PCU methodology proposes calculating an indicator considering abiotic components.

◇ Low PUC score was observed in mountainous regions.

◇ Payment for environmental services is an alternative to increasing agrosilvopastoral activities' environmental performance.

◇ Sustainability has also been promoted by fomenting land vocation.

- 研究方法 -


根据Costa等人开发的方法,由岩性、土壤类别和地形坡度计算得出PCU数值, 其指标从低到高(1-5)。研究将土地利用分类与PCU地图进行交叉(Fig 1),并考虑了巴西行政、流域和市政划分中已使用土地的百分比,推演出较适合农林牧用途(PCU≥3)或保护用途的区域。

Fig.1. Flowchart of the methodological procedures for analysing.

- 结果与讨论 -

在结合岩性、土壤类别和坡度(权重分别为 11%、39% 和 50%)创建 PCU 地图后,米纳斯吉拉斯州的平均 PCU 得分为 3.5,范围从 1.078 到 4.989(Fig 2)。

Fig.2. PCU resulted from the combined layers: lithology, soil class, and slope.

结合土地利用数据(Table 1)可以看出,该州12个行政区域中潜力最大的是Mucuri山谷分区,98.3% 的区域 PCU ≥ 3(平均得分3.52),其次是Triângulo Mineiro分区(96.7%)和Doce Valley (96.6%)。其中,Triângulo Mineiro的平均 PCU 最高 (3.87),而Jequitinhonha地区的平均 PCU (3.26) 最低。

Table 1. Resume of the Potential for Conservation Use per administrative divisions.




- 总结与展望 -





Danielle Piuzana Mucida studies the spatialization and analysis of the state of conservation and environmental degradation of regions/territories, land use, and cover, landscape metrics, as support to public policies of territorial ordering. She's currently A Professor at UFVJM. She participates in the Center for Studies and Research in Environmental and Productive Zoning (NEPZAP) at UFVJM.

Luciano Cavalcante de Jesus França works as Professor at UFU, developing studies about developing spatial analysis and multicriteria modeling frameworks to better understand the tradeoffs and identify synergies between land use and coverage, forestry production, and nature conservation in Brazil. Founder of a website about forest engineering and science communication in Brazil: www.centralflorestal.com.br. Currently, he is associate editor at CERNE. He participates of the Environmental and Productive Zoning (NEPZAP) at UFU.


The Federal University of Vales do Jequitinhonha e Mucuri (Portuguese: Universidade Federal dos Vales do Jequitinhonha e Mucuri, UFVJM) is a public university in Diamantina, Minas Gerais, established on September 30, 1953, as the Faculdade de Odontologia de Diamantina (Portuguese: Dentistry Faculty of Diamantina). It was promoted to a university in 2005, after the passing of federal law n° 11.173.

The Federal University of Uberlândia (Portuguese: Universidade Federal de Uberlândia, UFU) is a Brazilian public university, located in the southwest of Minas Gerais, in Uberlândia, Brazil. The students are admitted through both annual exams, the vestibular, and the National High School Exam.

引用格式:Mucida, D. P., Gorgens, E. B., Rech, A. R., Christofaro, C., da Silva, R. S., Pereira, I. M., de Morais, M. S., da Costa, A. M., & França, L. C. d. J. 2023. Designing optimal agrosilvopastoral landscape by the potential for conservation use in Brazil. Sustainable Horizons 5, 100045. 



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