Volume 5|展望高分辨质谱非靶标筛查在工业源新污染物识别和控制中的应用
来源:SUS_Horizons | 作者:SUS_Horizons | 时间:2023-03-23 | 119 次浏览 | 分享到:
Application of non-target screening by high-resolution mass spectrometry to identification and control of new contaminants: Implications for sustainable industrial development

近期,中国科学院生态环境研究中心郑明辉团队在 Sustainable Horizons 发表展望文章,主题为:高分辨质谱非靶标筛查在工业源新污染物识别和控制中的应用展望。



- 研究背景 -




- 文章亮点 -

◇ Industrial production is the foundation of national development.

◇ Control of source emissions is the key for sustainable industrial development.

◇ Screening by HRMS is promising for discovery and regulations of new pollutants.

◇ Recognition on new pollutants is essential for priority control by joint efforts.

- 结果与讨论 -



Fig. 1. High-resolution mass spectrometry applied to the screening of new organic contaminants in industrial processes and their basic structural principles.

- 总结与展望 -




- 致谢 -




Yujue Yang Doctoral degree candidate at State Key Laboratory of Environmental Chemistry and Ecotoxicology, Research Center for Eco-Environmental Science, Chinese Academy of Sciences. Her main research interest is non-targeted screening of new organic contaminants.

Professor Minghui Zheng is a leading expert on monitoring and control of dioxins and other POPs in China. He is a main developer on POPs Monitoring Programme for the effectiveness evaluation of the Stockholm Convention in China. He also contributes to the compiling of guidance for global POPs monitoring and other international POPs monitoring activities. He is a coordinator of Asia-Pacific regional organization group on POPs monitoring and a member of Global Coordination Group on POPs monitoring under Stockholm Convention (2007-). His research group conducted investigations on dioxins, PCBs, PCNs and PBDD/Fs emissions from various industrial processes, and proposed a synergic reduction mechanism for the control of POPs emissions in industrial processes. He has published 265 scientific papers on POPs in peer reviewed journals.

Guorui Liu currently holds a professor position in Research Center for Eco-Environmental Sciences, Chinese Academy of Sciences and Hangzhou Institute for Advanced Study, UCAS. His research field is focused on the environmental pollution and control of persistent toxic substances. Dr. Guorui Liu was awarded the National Science and Technology Progress Award (China, Second Class) and Environmental Protection Science and Technology Award (China, First Class) in 2019. He was awarded the “Young Scientist Award” in the 13th ISPTS symposium in Germany in 2016. He is the associate editor of the journals Sustainable Horizons, Ecotoxicology and Environmental Safety and Emerging Contaminants. Dr. Guorui Liu has published 155 papers in journals including Prog. Energy Combust. Sci., Environ. Sci. Technol., Trends Anal. Chem., and so on. Prof. Liu is an expert of the UNIDO (United Nations Industrial Development Organization).

引用格式:Yang, Y., Li, C., Yang, L., Zheng, M., & Liu, G. 2023. Application of non-target screening by high-resolution mass spectrometry to identification and control of new contaminants: Implications for sustainable industrial development. Sustainable Horizons, 5, 100049.   



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