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张翼峰 副教授

Technical University of Denmark Denmark

      Yifeng Zhang (张翼峰),男,1982年生。2012年博士毕业于丹麦技术大学(DTU)环境工程学院(DTU全额奖学金)。现任该学院副教授(终身教职),博士生导师。SCI期刊Science of the Total Environment副主编, Frontiers in Microbiology副主编,并作为特邀主编参与多个SCI期刊的特刊发表。主要研究方向为微生物电化学及催化、微生物种间相互作用机制及环境应用,厌氧消化与发酵,污水资源回收与利用,CO2捕获以及资源能源化,人工光合成。通过利用生物电化学,生物工程、分子生物学及信息学,合成生物学,生物-纳米界面调控方法和原理,研究微生物催化与细胞外电子传递相关科学问题,并以此为基础开发及构建高效、稳定的生物电化学水处理、生物合成、生物传感等系统与技术平台。
      发表SCI论文90余篇(第一作者19篇,通讯作者63篇),其中在环境生物技术领域顶级期刊Energy & Environmental Science 、Trend in Biotechnology、One Earth, Water Research (18篇)、Environmental science & Technology (4篇) 四刊发文20余篇。总被引3600次,H-index为34。丹麦嘉士伯基金会杰出青年基金获得者(2018年,资助额度450万丹麦克朗)。中国科学研究院海外远程评审专家(2021-2023)。入选全球前2%顶尖科学家榜单(2020)。爱思唯尔基金会ISC3绿色及可持续化学挑战奖提名 (2019)。国家优秀自费留学生奖学金获得者(2011)。德国DAAD博士奖学金(2009,未领取)获得者。截至目前已指导博士后4人,博士生20人(含联合培养),及硕士生10人。其中,指导的两项博士课题分别荣获丹麦科学创新及高等教育部由丹麦王储妃玛丽颁奖的Eliteforsk优秀青年学者奖(2018年)和丹麦Otto Mønsteds Fond基金会创立的重量级年度奖项The Bright Idea(2019年)。此外,主持及参与多项丹麦国家及欧盟科研项目(总经费超300万欧元)。作为科学术委员会成员或特邀报告人参与多次生物技术,厌氧及电化学领域国际会议。欧盟第七研发框架计划(FP7)与科研创新计划(Horizon 2020)以及丹麦,瑞士,比利时,新加坡等国家科学基金远程评审专家。

      Dr. Yifeng Zhang is currently working as an associate professor at the Department of Environmental Engineering, Technical University of Denmark (DTU). He obtained his Ph.D. degree from DTU in 2012. His major research interests are microbial electrochemistry and biotechnology to support the 2nd, 6th, 7th, 12th, and 13th UN Sustainable Development Goals through sustainable water treatment, resource recovery, CO2 capture and utilization, biosynthesis, and environmental bioremediation & monitoring. His research has been highly innovative and contributed considerably to improving the fundamental understanding of microbial electrochemistry and developing cutting-edge, efficient, and economic-affordable technical solutions in the Water-Food-Energy-Climate nexus for sustainable development and green transition. This way the wastewaters and greenhouse gases (e.g., CO2), which otherwise are treated as pollutants undergoing energy and carbon-intensive treatment processes, are recovered and upcycled in a form of valuable bioproducts such as chemicals, biofuels, proteins, and energy. His research has been well documented in over 90 SCI publications (19 as first author and 63 as the corresponding author), 2 patents, 3 book chapters, and ≥30 conference contributions. Most of the SCI publications are in top journals in the field such as Energy & Environmental Science, Trends in Biotechnology, One Earth, Environmental Science & Technology, and Water Research. According to Google Scholar, his works have been cited over 3600 times and with an H index of 34. Among these, 9 papers have each citation over 100 times. He has been listed as World's Top 2% Scientists 2020. Since 2012, He has been successfully attracting over 25 M DKK international and national research funding (e.g., Independent Research Fund Denmark, Novo Nordisk Foundation). Especially, in the year 2018, he received Carlsberg Foundation Distinguished Fellowships (4.5M DKK) which is given to talented young scientists to establish their research group. In the same year, he was shortlisted and interviewed for the Young Investigator Program funded by Villum Foundation. In 2020, he was selected as top 50 among global competitions for The Elsevier Foundation-ISC3 Green & Sustainable Chemistry Challenge Award.