Jian Zuo
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左剑 副教授

The University of Adelaide School of Architecture and Built Environment, Adelaide, Australia

    Professor Jian Zuo is the Associate Head (International) at the School of Architecture and Built Environment, The University of Adelaide. He is the expert assessor for the Australian Research Council fund project (Australian Research Council), member of the Royal Chartered Institute of Construction (ICIOB), member of the Sino-Australian Joint Centre for Sustainable Urban Development (CAC_SUD), member of the Australian-Asian Education Committee of the Royal Chartered Institute of Construction. As the lead researcher, he participated in the Australian Federal Research Institute fund projects such as "Improving thermal environment of housing for older Australians" "Re-considering Sustainable Building and Design", and the Australian Climate Change Strategy Fund project "A Framework for Adaptation of Australian Households to Heat Waves" as well as many other national key projects. He has long been engaged in the study of ecological towns, green buildings and sustainable development of the construction industry. Since 2013, he has been invited by the Green Building Council Australia (GBCA) as a member of the expert committee to review the current implementation of Australian green buildings. The evaluation system is evaluated and valuable opinions are provided on the overall design of the next-generation green building evaluation system. Published more than 100 papers in top journals, including more than 80 journal papers indexed by SCI and SSCI, Google Scholar indexed more than 10,000, and the H-index is 51.

    Keywords of expertise: Circular economy, resource efficiency, smart construction, construction and demolition waste recycling, sustainable construction