来源: | 作者:SUS_Horizons | 时间:2021-07-16 | 635 次浏览 | 分享到:

朱丹 助理教授

北京大学城市与环境学院 中国

     朱丹,2010年和2013年获得北京大学环境科学学士和硕士学位。2016年在法国气候与环境实验室(Laboratoire des Sciences du Climat et de l’Environnement)获得博士学位。先后在法国气候与环境实验室和巴塞罗那自治大学从事博士后研究。2020年10月入职北京大学城市与环境学院。研究方向为全球变化与寒区地表过程,通过研发和应用陆面过程模式,结合对多源观测数据及古环境重建数据的分析,探讨全球变化对寒区或寒冷古气候时期陆地生态系统的影响机制。研究成果以第一/通讯作者在Nature Ecology & Evolution,Nature Communications等期刊发表;另有合作作者论文30余篇(包括Nature, Science, Nature Climate Change, Science Advances等期刊);Web of Science总引用1800余次,H 因子17。目前的研究重点是末次冰期“气候-陆地生态系统-人类”耦合关系,利用其研发的陆面过程-人类(狩猎采集者)耦合模式,探究末次冰期气候变化和气候突变如何驱动陆地生态系统演变;生态系统如何支撑或制约当时当地的人口密度和数量;人类觅食、捕猎、扩张和迁徙如何反作用于生态系统。旨在发展以过程模型为核心工具、从机理上将现代与古环境全球变化研究相结合的研究框架,从而更深入地理解气候、生态系统、人类之间响应反馈的动力学过程和规律。

    Dan Zhu received a B.S. and a master degree in Environmental Science at Peking University in 2010 and 2013, and a PhD at Laboratoire des Sciences du Climat et de l’Environnment (LSCE) in France in 2016. Dan’s main research interest lies in understanding the response of terrestrial ecosystems to the past, present, and future climate change, with a focus on high-latitude and cold-climate processes. Her past research experience has covered various topics including high-latitude permafrost dynamics, and vegetation transitions and plant-herbivore interactions during the last ice age. She also did an extensive model development in the ORCHIDEE land surface model, the land part of the IPSL Earth system model. Her current research focuses on paleoclimate-ecosystem-human relationships during the last ice age. By embedding prehistoric humans (hunter-gatherers) in a land surface model, her research aims to explore how climate and biophysical environment drove prehistoric human population dynamics and migration, and how their activities impacted the ecosystem (megaherbivores, vegetation, and fires).

Keywords: global environmental change, biogeochemical cycle, land surface model, paleoclimate, terrestrial biosphere model