来源: | 作者:SUS_Horizons | 时间:2022-09-22 | 262 次浏览 | 分享到:

金彪 高级研究员

广州地球化学研究所 中国

Dr. Biao Jin is currently working as a senior researcher at Guangzhou Institute of Geochemistry, Chinese Academy of Sciences. He obtained his Ph.D at University Tuebingen in Germany. His research involves both fundamental and applied aspects associated with organic chemical pollutants in water, in particular, the persistent, mobile and toxic (PMT) substances that significantly impact water quality. Besides, emerging tools such as compound specific isotope analysis (CSIA) are developed to characterize different contaminant sources and also to study behavior of different chemical pollutants in both engineered and natural aquatic systems including wastewaters, surface water, and groundwater. The ultimate goal is to protect water resources from chemical emissions.