来源: | 作者:SUS_Horizons | 时间:2022-09-22 | 253 次浏览 | 分享到:

姚志洪 副教授

西南交通大学 中国

Prof. Yao is an associate professor at the School of Transportation and Logistics, Southwest Jiaotong University. His research interests include sustainable transportation, traffic emissions, intelligent transportation systems, connected automated vehicles, traffic simulation, and traffic big data. At present, his work is devoted to the modeling and optimization of connected automated transportation systems. He is the author of about 60 journal/conference papers, including IEEE Transactions on Intelligent Transportation Systems, Journal of Intelligent Transportation Systems, IET Intelligent Transport Systems, Physica A, Journal of Advanced Transportation, Energy, Journal of Safety Research, Journal of Cleaner Production, and the co-inventor of over ten patents. He has served as an academic editor and the lead guest editor of the Journal of Advanced Transportation, PLOS One, and Mathematical Problems in Engineering, the traffic simulation technical committee of the World Transport Convention (WTC).