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曹建平 副教授

中山大学 中国 

Dr. Jianping Cao got his Bachelor degree (2012) from University of Science and Technology of China and Ph.D. degree (2017) from Tsinghua University. After a one-year post-doctoral experience at Virginia Tech., he jointed Sun Yat-sen University (Guangzhou, China) as an associate professor in 2018. He is now an associate professor in School of Environmental Science and Engineering and the deputy director of Department of Environmental Science in Sun Yat-sen University. His researches focus on the quantitative analysis, transport characteristics, exposure assessment, and mitigation of indoor air pollutants, especially focusing on semi-volatile organic compounds (SVOCs, one of the ubiquitous pollutants in indoor environments). He has published over 30 research papers in international peer-reviewed journals. He is now serving as a Secretary in Youth Committee of Indoor Environment and Health Branch of Chinese Society for Environmental Science, an Early Career Editorial Board Member (ECEBM) on Sustainable Horizons, a Youth Editor of Building Simulation: An International Journal, and an Associate Editor of the Handbook of Indoor Air Quality (Springer).