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胡建辉 研究助理教授

上海交通大学 中国 

Dr. Jianhui Hu received his Ph.D. at Shanghai Jiao Tong University in 2015 and worked as a Research Assistant Professor at the same University until 2017. He then worked with Professor Ken’ichi Kawaguchi at the University of Tokyo as a Research Fellow (2017-2018) and JSPS Fellow (2018-2020) in the Institute of Industrial Science. He returned to Shanghai Jiao Tong University from 2021 and became an Associate Professor (with tenure-track).

He was the PI for several funds from NSFC, MOST, JSPS and Sino-Japanese Cooperation. He published about 100 peer-reviewed papers, and applied 16 National Patents. He was selected as the JSPS Fellow in 2018 and was the finalist for Shanghai Science and Technology Youth 35 Leading Program in 2021. His work was incorporated in several International and National standards and also awarded the first Prize of Science and Technology Progress Award from Shanghai Government in 2020, which was reported in the mainstream media, e.g. whb.cn and sh.eastday.com. In addition, he is the Associate Editor or Editorial Board Member of 6 international journals.