Bing Li
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Bing Li 助理教授

Tsinghua Shenzhen International Graduate School 中国

  Dr Bing Li is an assistant professor at Tsinghua University. His research and teaching experience spread across nutrient cycling and recovery, urban and process water management, modelling and optimization. He is a registered engineer under Engineering New Zealand, a winner of the Environmental Technology Progress Award (2/14), and a reviewer for the EU Croatian fund. Dr Li is a key researcher and PI involved in research grants from Fonterra (New Zealand), DAAD (Germany), Toshiba (Japan), National Natural Science Foundation of China, China Postdoctoral Science Foundation and Chinese Academy of Sciences. To date, he has published over 40 journal papers and delivered 17 conference presentations. His H-index is 16, with five of them being selected as ESI hot and highly cited papers, and one paper has been reported by the European Sustainable Phosphorus Platform (Google Scholar data).