Feiping Zhao
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Feiping Zhao 副教授

Central South University 中国

Feiping Zhao is an Associate Professor in the School of Metallurgy and Environment in Central South University and a young scholar at Chinese National Engineering Research Centre for Control & Treatment of Heavy Metal Pollution. His research focuses on the environmental remediation and comprehensive utilization of non-ferrous resources. The scope of his work includes environmental functional adsorption materials, environmental photo/electrocatalyst materials, and advanced oxidation technology. Dr. Zhao aims to develop green and sustainable remediation technologies for the cleanup of contaminated water and soils, and the green recovery of resources from the wastes such as heavy metals and rare earth metals. He has successfully received as a principal investigator in highly completive calls for research funding including National Key R&D Program of China and National Natural Science Foundation of China. Dr. Zhao has published more than 50 articles in peer-reviewed SCI journals, such as Environmental Science & Technology, Applied Catalysis B: Environmental, Green Chemistry, Chemical Engineering Journal, and Journal of Hazardous Materials. Having an h-index of 25, his publications have been cited over 2500 times. In recognition of his research work, Dr. Zhao was presented with the ACS Top 1% Highest Cited Author 2015-2019. Additionally in 2020, Dr. Zhao was the recipient of Outstanding Youth Award in Rare Metal.