Jamie Lead 教授
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Jamie Lead 教授

University of South Carolina US

      Jamie Lead教授,美国南卡罗来纳大学环境健康科学系教授,环境纳米科学和风险中心(CENR)主任,英国伯明翰大学名誉教授,山西农业大学兼职教授,国际应用化学联合会研究员,英国政府(DEFRA)纳米技术环境危害和风险评估工作组成员,瑞典环境、农业科学和空间规划研究委员会(FORMAS)环境污染常设专家小组成员,英国皇家化学学会会员。曾任英国伯明翰大学环境纳米科学教授和美国国家机构FENAC主任,现担任NanoImpact期刊的联合主编。主要研究领域为纳米技术在环境和人类健康问题上的应用和影响等,累计发表学术论文200多篇,著作6本,专利6项;总被引用超过12200多次,Web of Science h-index高达50,并以每年~1300次的速度在不断增长。2015-2018连续入选汤姆森路透社“环境和生态领域”高被引学者(全球前1%)。

Dr. Jamie Lead’s research at the SmartState Center will perform fundamental and applied studies on the impact of nanotechnology on the environment, specifically, the scientific, technological, health, economic, legal, and societal behaviors and effects. He will build on the University of South Carolina's (USC) strong existing program of research in nanoscience, which includes the extensive facilities of the USC NanoCenter, the Keck Laboratory for nanobioparticle research, and partnerships with federal agencies and laboratories.
      Prior to joining the University of South Carolina and accepting his SmartState Endowed Chair, Dr. Lead served as Director of the Facility for the Environmental Nanoparticle Analysis and Characterisation and Professor in Environmental Nanoscience, University of Birmingham, Birmingham, UK. He received his PhD in environmental aquatic chemistry from Lancaster University, Bailrigg, Lancaster, UK.