Myriam Ertz
来源: | 作者:SUS_Horizons | 时间:2022-10-10 | 215 次浏览 | 分享到:

 Myriam Ertz  副教授

Université du Québec à Chicoutimi 加拿大

Dr. Myriam Ertz is an Associate Professor of Marketing at Université du Québec à Chicoutimi, Director of the LaboNFC (Laboratory of research on New Forms of Consumption), and a recipient of MDPI’s “Social Sciences 2020 Young Investigator Award”. Her research interests include responsible consumption and marketing, technology, and the collaborative economy. She has published over 80 research articles in top-quality journals, including Renewable and Sustainable Energy Reviews, Resources Conservation & Recycling, Science of the Total Environment, Sustainable Cities and Society, Journal of Cleaner Production, Transportation Research Part C, Industrial Marketing Management, or Waste Management, among others. In addition, Dr. Ertz has extensive editorial experience, as a book author (Marketing Responsable, 2021, JFD Editions), a book editor (Handbook of research on the platform economy and the evolution of e-commerce, 2022, IGI Global; Les reconfigurations de l’échange marchand: Tour d’horizon, enjeux, et perspectives, 2019, PUQ), journal Associate Editor (Frontiers in Psychology, Frontiers in Sustainability), and special issue guest editor for several journals (Sustainability (MDPI), Frontiers in Psychology, Frontiers in Sustainability, Revue Organisations & Territoires).