Jinyan Zhan
来源: | 作者:SUS_Horizons | 时间:2022-10-12 | 216 次浏览 | 分享到:

Jinyan Zhan 教授

Beijing Normal University 中国

Over 100 papers have been published by Dr. Zhan. Dr. Zhan integrates spatial analysis approaches into dynamics and consequences of land system change research, and contributes in the integration and comprehensive application of geography and GIS technologies. She applies spatial analysis approaches into the mechanism research of land use/cover change at grid level, and she also embeds remote sensing retrieval methods into land use conversion research as well as policy optimization research. Some creative work has been achieved including: 1) Relationship between economic development and land use conversion. For instance, based on county level verification, her research proofs that appropriate economic development will not lead to loss of land resources. 2) Appropriate spatial zoning of ecosystem services will provide some valuable information in policy formulation. Dr. Zhan has developed and applied SIZES model into ecological planning at county level and municipal level.